Location / Arrival


Kappl (1,5 kilometer, with the car 2 minutes)

See (6 kilometer, with the car 8 minutes)
Ischgl (8 kilometer, with the car 10 minutes)
Galtür (20 kilometer, with the car 20 minutes)

St. Anton (30 kilometer, with the car 30 minutes)
Innsbruck (90 km, with the car 1 hour)

Route Planner (click on the link)

You can reach us either via Bregenz / Lindau over the Arlberg Pass or Arlberg tunnel on the road S16 or via Kufstein / Innsbruck over the A12/S16. Take exit Silvretta Pians / Paznaun Ischgl Kappl. After about 13 kilometers you reach the little village Brandau (district of Kappl). At the sign end of Brandau turn sharply right and after 20 meters take the second street on the right (next to the latern). At the end of this little street you have reached our house..

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